Finding Home

Finding Home
My shoes wait in the sand. They wait for me. Wondering where to next?

Monday 16 April 2012

Home. Word.

Today is the day. It is the day for a lot of things.

I woke up and looked at the ceiling- relief came... and then left.  Excitement poked it's head around the corner. I thought, "OK, let's see what you can do with 3 weeks... let's see what can be done to you with 3 weeks."

Here are the facts to consider:
1. How do you feel about sun and relaxation that doesn't involve my cell phone going off every second. Cell phone? What's that.
2. How do you feel about laughter that spills from every room of every day of every head bopping music playing, singing, dancing minute?
3. How do you feel about family? Mine is colorful and wonderful and beautiful in its blended imperfect perfection. I love you Mum, Dad and Karen, Tia, Jaymee, Alex, Marley, Brandt, Sally, Giselle, Neihana, Quayde.  I also have a trio of harmonious Lauaki concord. " be together for us is to be at once as free as in solitude, as gay as in company"
4. How do you feel about no school, no work, no .... life?

Yea. I know how I feel about it and it starts with C and ends with ELEBRATORY.

This morning I rode Lola (my bike) around and bid farewell to Centerville. My home. My hood. My stomping ground. Today I am going home. I ponder my most recited, conflicted, question again :

Home is....question mark?

You all know who you are, and I love you. Sincerely. Dont worry - I'm coming back.
note: *no Americans were harmed during the recording of this*

1 comment:

  1. What CAN'T be done in three weeks could be the question posed ... Oh sooooo many adventures await us little razzy .. the show is about to go on in a 'UGE' way .. haha - And I'm sure you will be going back to your (hood..really?) of centerville one day .. but that day is in the far far distant future and I choose not to think about it at all right now!! Yaaaaaah!!(neck whip lash head throwing back excited laughter) Our world is finally complete cause you
    are here!!!!!
