Finding Home

Finding Home
My shoes wait in the sand. They wait for me. Wondering where to next?

Sunday 22 April 2012

Keeping the Sabbath Homely?

I just realized how much I have been blogging about my family. Good. If you want to know who I am, then get to know my family. They inspire the very best parts of me.

This Sabbath day accomplished exactly what every Sabbath should... "but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." I was transformed in small ways. Renewed in larger ones. Each speaker shedding a layer of my skin. Each lesson and thought shared revealing some newness underneath.
Now I am ready to face another week. But before I do, can I please have a renewing of my face?

Tonight while everyone had places to go and people to see (NOT ME, I am on no one's timetable but my own) my sister Serene and I hung out with the O.G... Original Gangster? No, Original Grandma. The first generation Diva. (You knew it started somewhere right?) Genny D we missed you tonight, you missed Nana's outrage at certain family antics. Anyway, in the midst of words of wisdom from "Nanny Boo" we were treated to facials in the lounge. Don't tell me that the renewing of your mind doesn't feel even better with the renewing of your face. There is no salvation in bad skin...right? Let me know if that changes though.

Exhibit A:
We have a lot to learn from "old people". And if you don't feel that way, my friend, you are sadly mistaken. They have not only learnt how to live life, but they have learnt how to endure well - isn't that what we all try to figure out? Why not ask the experts. Take time to sit with them and glean like you are hearing these truths for the first time - you probably are. You will find that you receive not only a "renewing of your mind" but a renewing of your heart, and the heart is what brings transformation. So if you don't know any "old people", don't worry, I'll lend you some of mine. 

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