Finding Home

Finding Home
My shoes wait in the sand. They wait for me. Wondering where to next?

Thursday 13 October 2011

COMING HOME - The prodigal child returns

When your mum calls and says that your grandmother has passed away; there is no way to be prepared for that. There is no handbook on what to do. There is one thought and one thought only- I need to go home.

I got on a plane and had 15 hours to think about what the next month or so has in store for me. I left behind a job that I believe in and people that I believe in. People I love. Especially person that I love. My Clark. But Lois was not looking back. No, I'm no Lots wife. Leaving you Clark, standing in the airport as the escalator rose, us waving frantically to each other and both chanting, full actions included "Our team is what? Dynamite! Our team is what? Dynamite! Our team is tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick BOOM Dynamite!" I loved you in that moment. That moment was an "US" moment. That moment was a "thank you for not making this harder than it has to be" kind of moment.
This unexpected trip was more than a heavenly answering of knelt down homesick pleading (although my heart rejoiced in grattitude to Him that we are continually indebted to). It was going to be more than a 2 year awaited reunion with both my beautiful sisters and my Mum. Although the reason I was going, I knew it was going to be much more than the honoring and burying of my beautiful cherub (I always called Gma that). There was a calming of my Spirit as I wandered through San Francisco airport slowly sipping my gingerbread hot chocolate staining it with my red lipstick.  The lipstick always helped me to be brave. I knew this was going to be a journey and She had begun it. My grandmother, the only person I have ever seen Love her sweetheart with the kind of love I want.

She was bringing me home.

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