Finding Home

Finding Home
My shoes wait in the sand. They wait for me. Wondering where to next?

Sunday 16 October 2011

HOME AWAY FROM HOME - No place like His Home

Have you ever thought about the Temple being a home away from home?
I know it’s the House of the Lord, but if it’s our refuge from the storm, it’s our home away from home no matter where we are. I have a commitment to Him. We have a date each week that cannot be rescheduled.  I am on my way to that date now.
I sit on the bus and open my laptop. Everything here feels conducive to my writing. Everything here feels like it is part of a story.  I am on my way down to Auckland and then down to Hamilton. I sit next to a boy that offers me lollies (he obviously boycotts the “don’t talk to strangers” rule too). The rolling green of hilly landscape passes my window. “For the beauty of the earth” comes to mind.  I am thinking about all the things I have to be grateful for. There’s a lot. I am thinking about how I finally have some of what everyone wants more of- Time. I am thinking about how I am being re-introduced to the power of being still. I needed that (something else to thank my G’ma for).  It is not some hippy concept that might be nice to try “if you’re into that kind of thing”. It is a necessary ingredient to allow gratitude to fill our hearts for the one who has given us everything. With still comes reflection. With reflection comes direction. With direction comes change.  
Be still and know that He is God.
Today I got to be at the Temple with some of my favorite people- Nicole and Judy and the kids. Today I got to be in the Temple for the first time with my best friend. Lenny F, I love you. As we sat next to each other there was no need for thoughtless chatter, no need for commentating and no glances exchanged. With our eyes forward holding hands, we were focused.  Focused on what? Focused on being educated for eternal life.  
There was a still existence that filled us both as we sat in the house of the Lord. That moment represented so much for us, we had waited so long to be there together. That moment represented the roads we had both walked. The roads that had eventually led us back to Him. With our love for each other unspoken but felt, and our love for the Lord unspoken but felt- we were one in His house.

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