Finding Home

Finding Home
My shoes wait in the sand. They wait for me. Wondering where to next?

Friday 21 October 2011

HOME is where the HEART is ...

I thought a lot about eternity today as I sat on a wooden bench next to my grandmother’s grave. I had every intention of walking to my aunty’s house, but my feet stopped at the bottom of the hill. Sometimes there is no telling your feet what to do. You know what controls your feet don’t you? Your brain. And you know what controls your brain don’t you? Your heart. My heart has drawn me to Grandma’s grave the last 2 days. I don’t think it is because she wishes to speak to me, but rather because she knows I wish to speak to her. What is the meaning of eternity? I think it holds a meaning for each of us; no thought more right than another. Maybe the meaning changes depending on what stage of our lives we are in. Maybe it changes depending on what day it is. Today, for me, it means - hope.
Over the last few days I have watched my grandfather exist. The man who rises at 6am every single day of his life. He works on the farm before breakfast at 8.30am. He works on the farm before lunch at 1.30pm. He works on the farm before dinner at 7.30pm and then snoozes in his comfy blue arm chair with a vacant spot next to him. It looks like he is saving someone’s place. To some that may sound like a regimented existence; to Grandad, it was his life and livelihood and existence with the person he loved. Take one thing away from that equation and it does just become an existence. Her. She is the missing piece. The heaviest part of my heart today, beats from not knowing what I can do – and so I tell her. I pray to help him find peace. Peace in the deepest part of his heart that cannot be healed by a hug or a kind word from me. And today at her side I felt not peace, but hope. Hope in eternity. The beautiful thing about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that it offers hope for families. Hope in today, hope in tomorrow, hope in eternity. They will be together again.

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